On May 18th and 19th,CISK welcomed IB representatives for the MYP Verification visit. The two IB officialsconducted a comprehensive and in-depth inspection of the implementation of MYP in CISK. They conducted interviews with a Board representative, school leadership team members, teachers, students, and parents. They also observed lessons and reviewed documents. The visiting team was impressed by our school"s facilities, resources, and commitment to creating a challenging and supportive learning environment for our students.
5月18到19日,CISK迎来了IB MYP的授权访问。两位资深IB访校官对MYP项目在我校的实施进行了全面和深入的认证考察访问。访问期间,IB访问官与学校理事会成员代表、校管理层、教师、学生和家长进行了深入访谈,并“走进”教室观察了课堂实况,查阅学校课程文件等。我校中学项目的设施设备、资源支持、为学生提供挑战性、全纳性教育支持等给访问团队留下了深刻印象。
The visit was a positive and engaging experience for CISK staff and students, andwe had the chance to demonstrate the progress we have made in implementing the MYP.It is a testament to the work and dedication of our teachers that we have successfully reached this stage of our MYP authorization.We look forward to continuing to provide an outstanding education that prepares our students for success in their future academic and personal pursuits.
此次授权访校对CISK MYP的每一个人来说都是一次难忘的经历。借此机会,我们回顾了发展IB MYP高质量的国际教育的点点滴滴,审视了CISK中学项目实施以来成长收获,访问也标志着通过全校教职员工、学生和家长的共同努力,我们成功地到达了MYP授权认证最重要的阶段。未来我们也将继续砥砺前行,提供高质量的教育服务,为学生赋能,培育未来世界的成功人士。
In the exit meeting of the Verification Visit, the visiting officials expressed their gratitude to our school and gave positive feedback on the implementation of the MYP in CISK. They also gave suggestions and expectations for the future work of our school.We believe that with the concerted efforts of the school community, the MYP programme at CISK will enjoy an even greater tomorrow!
在访问总结会议中,两位访问官对我校的全力准备表达了感谢,对MYP在我校的落地实施给予了全面细致的反馈,也对我校接下来的工作给出了建议和期望。相信在学习社区所有成员的共同努力下,CISK MYP一定会迎来更加辉煌的明天!